live authentic

the pain while waiting

the pain while waiting

It's been a little over a year since we found out that we were pregnant for the first time. We lost that baby in the end of December and since then have been pregnant and miscarried two additional times. So in under a year that's been three pregnancies and three miscarriages. It's been a lot. 

life can be ugly: the story of my miscarriage

life can be ugly: the story of my miscarriage

Today is the day I’m going to talk about something that not many people are talking about, my miscarriage. Typically I hear things about people who have miscarried after they have had their miracle baby. They open up about how the journey to that baby was so long and difficult and freely discuss their challenges with how they got there. However, not many people are talking about it in the midst of the difficulty.

I had what’s considered a missed miscarriage. I was 11 weeks pregnant and there was never any bleeding or signs of miscarriage...

you're just like your mother

you're just like your mother

There are so many things I’ve thought about being or doing with my life. I often find myself saying, “I could totally do that.” I think I get that from my mom. Ever since I can remember, when we would go to craft shows, or see something online, my mom would instantly deconstruct the item and whisper something to me along those same lines. “We could totally make these and sell them” was a common phrase I heard...

promise of life to come

promise of life to come

The past few months have felt like weeks. They’ve been full of a mixture of emotions. I think it started with the flu. I had a high fever for 5 days that wouldn’t break. After it finally broke, it still took a few days to feel better. The next day it was warm outside, and the earth was glad. All of the blooms welled with excitement. Spring was coming. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful break in the gloomy weather that had been lingering. Many people could be seen out walking, running, and enjoying the fresh air and sunshine. By the end of the day, something didn’t feel right and I tried to take it easy...